Monday, March 31, 2008

Fieldsite Observation

This weekend I visited my field site. My fieldsite is the Dekalb County Jail located on Memorial Drive. This was an exciting exprence for me, I had never been to a jail before. Inside the jail every thing is organized in the way they go about doing things. Their were metal detectors, and plenty of security officers on board. I was a little disappointed in how limited my visit was. No interviews with inmates or anyone that works heavyly inside the jail. I was allowed to speak with one of the staff members who works in security to ask them some questions.
I ask the female security who's name was Jennie about the jail. She wasn't able to tell me the correct number of inmates but she did go on to say that their were more inmates then beds. I also learned that because of overcrowing that the county spends hundreds of thuosands of dollars to move inmates to other jails. This was something I didn't understand but really didn't get a clear answer. I ask Jennie about the inmates, but felt that my visit was incomplete because I didn't get to talk to inmates.
I ended up talking to people who have been inmates in the jail but so far I have only spoken to people that have spent a night or two their. Im hoping to get a clear vision on what goes on inside there from a second visit or from former inmates.


Giavanna said...

I think your topic is interesting, but I don't think I would be able to visit the field site. Are you trying to focuse on the inmates, or the prison system as a whole?

ksmith122 said...

hey i live right down the street from there!! lol. yeah ive never been in either, were you scared of how the immates would treat you?