Monday, March 24, 2008

Act V

In this audio clip there are inmates discussing their views and feeling on their experience in the play hamlet. All of the inmates have a unique and very distinct reason for performing in the play.

What do the individuals in the subculture value?
The inmates that are a part of this subculture value the person they are now and not the person they once was.

What do they disdain or what is taboo?
Not taking their role serious. Being disrespectful to one another.

How do you attain group membership?
You gain membership by taking on a role in the play and portraying it to the fullest.

What activities are important to the subculture?
Practicing their parts and having group sessions talking about their past and how much they have changed (for the better).

What artifacts or behaviors are important to the subculture?
Being respectful to each other and taking guidance from the stage manager or coach.