Monday, February 11, 2008

Hip Hop Culture: An introduction (shi 360 - "kmo hayot")

Shi 360 was born Shai Haddad on july 1976 in Israel. He began his caree by Djing at clubs in Canada where he later move to to obtain a degree at Concordia University. After watching the video from his song kmo hayot and the other videos I think his style of rap is more similar to the rap here in the United States. Even though his music is a different language and culture I hear similarities in the flow and the beats. I would definity take the time to leason to his music. I don't know what he is saying in the song but I cant tell by the title and of what is going on in the video that he is saying something about society and positive stuff.
Shai 360 released his first Hebrew language album under the TACT Records label. He is currently stiff with the labal now. Maybe I will buy the ablum. Their larger culture associations define hip hop culture in the form of clothing, movement, and speech. The clothing that he wears is very similar to what hip hop artist wear in the states and thire movement when rapping is also the same. I like how even though its a different language it still is resited in the same fashion.